Sunday, March 20, 2011

Strangers are living in my house

Yesterday was a gorgeous day here in GA so we decided to kick off our massive home improvement plans with a little yardwork.  Of course you cannot do any sort of work around the house without making the required stop at Home Depot- I think it is an actual law. For the first time in the 20+ years I have known of Home Depot, I was actually excited to be in there. The possiblities for upgrading our house seem endless!  New fixtures! Bathtubs! Windows! Tile! Paint samples! I flitted from area to area like Martha Stewart on speed with my husband and kids desperately trying to keep up. I had to keep reminding myself that the upgrades cannot happen overnight and that I don't have a money tree in the backyard. Now I find myself looking at home improvement websites and bookmarking my particular "styles." It is weird.

I am not the only one who has succumb to the home improvement bug. C bought a small pressure washer and has become enamored with its cleaning ability. Several times last night I caught him going outside to look at the clean front porch and driveway. This morning, while I did the laundry, he was outside pressure washing our deck like a man possessed. He begged me to come outside to see the difference in the area he cleaned and the areas he hadn't. He kept saying "Can you believe how hard we scrubbed these deck railings every single year and never got them as clean as this? It is amazing!" For you "30 Rock" fans, he even stole the Tracey Jordon "take it behind the middle school" line.

Are we becoming real adults? I fear that when we start re-tiling and re-siding the house we might become so excited that we will spontaneously combust. It would be a shame if my boys were left orphaned because the thrill of freshly painted walls caused my husband and I to have heart attacks. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to spend the rest of the day watching "HGTV."  I don't even know who I am anymore!

What a difference!

My Sister Wife

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